Wednesday 18 March 2020

Day Two

All three children at home today, 

by 10:30 we had taken part in an online tots session from our local toddler group and painted pictures. Soon these activities will have to last them a bit longer than the five minutes it currently takes for them to get bored again or we are going to all go completely insane.  To be honest that seems a likely outcome whatever happens.

The girls fight over everything. I keep telling myself that we will find an equilibrium but I know Clara will miss her ‘grown up time’ at preschool away from her sister.

I feel like I’m going through the grieving process. Denial, anger and bargaining have all come and gone and I feel like I’m entering the depression. 

The enormity of what is happening all around us is impossible to comprehend. I am terrified and yet here we are in a spacious house with no real fears about money. Just down the road there will be people who will be brought to their knees financially because of this crisis. 

Today they predicted job loss of up to 25 million around the world.#

Total devastation.

And that’s just the fall out from the disease not even mentioning the death toll.
Struggling to contain these thoughts as I do day to day with the kids. Today they announced that schools and nurseries are closing. Inevitable but a staggering blow all the same.

We went on a completely joyless walk around a lake in which I forgot to bring food for the ducks and Leo screamed for half an hour. Lots of people seem to be out walking with friends, something I will be doing from now on.

Sylvie abandoned her scooter completely and I ended up with her in the pram and the baby on my back, not ideal!

But we will get there.

Matt attempted to tip our amazon delivery driver with a £5 note, delivery driver refused to take it lest it be germy!  What a strange time we’re living in.

Good things that happened today…..
  •         Chatted with a close friend,
  •          Made plans for tomorrow with another friend
  •      Enjoyed having Matt around more, it looks like he’ll be able to be flexible.
  •      Did a fight club workout and managed some yoga in the afternoon.

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