Tuesday 5 May 2020

Day 50 (May)

 Well we did it. We lost an entire month to lockdown!

This feels a bit crazy and I am praying and praying and praying that the month of May (my favourite month, my BIRTH month no less) will not go the same way.

The last week or so I have been attempting to prioritise some ‘me’ time like so…..

This has been good, particularly since I discovered Schitts creek on Netflix!!

Things still feel very repetitive (unsurprisingly) so I am whipping some more sensory based activities out for the kids which is helping me with a bit more of a sense of purpose.

A massive plus has been that all our kids are sleeping amazingly well! (This is by no means a given with them!!) But we have taken lockdown as a chance to straighten them all out, sticker charts, nocturnal milk ban etc and its starting to pay off, with Sylvie even deciding to ditch her night time nappy all by herself this past week. Its so nice to feel like we are moving forward even whilst being restricted in other areas.

We also have finally managed to pump up our bikes and do some cycling which has been absolutely amazing. Just so nice to do something different with my body. Leo enjoys it too!

Clara had a hard moment today. She completely lost it when matt had to pop out, shouting and crying. She just seemed really stressed by it. I cuddled her and tried to get her to talk to me about why she was so upset but she didn’t really know. I thought we were shielding her from the anxiety of the situation fairly well, but she’s emotionally perceptive and often more aware than we realise which makes me wonder how much else she picks up on.

Things like this make me feel so scared about how we’ll ever get back to normal life again. Will the children have been scarred in some way by this experience?

Most of the time her and Sylvie are really happy and enjoying their time together, at the moment I can sometimes forget what’s going on as we move through the days in our new routine but then something jarring  catches me unawares.

not easy to get a family selfie!!

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