Monday, 16 November 2009

Good for the Soul

I have long been of the opinion that doing certain things make me feel better about life - they seem to reach a place that other stuff can't and in times of hardship bring me back to something resembling where I want to be. So I thought I'd share the things I do when I want to be kind to my weary and overburdened soul..

1) Spending time with my Grandmother (or any elderly relative will do!) theres something about going back to my past that helps me deal better with the future. Also to soak up the experience of someone older is deeply humbling and comforting.

2) and on the other end of the spectrum..hanging out with children! simple freedom with no need for worries or cynicism, need I say more?

3) Climbing trees, its nice to gain a sense of perspective :)

4) Get out!! Anywhere in nature and just B.R.E.A.T.H.E

5) watching the sea, the inevitability of the tides always reminds me of the lasting faithfulness of our God.

6) cleaning! I dont know what it is but something in the process of making something clean again soothes me, putting things in order and seeing an immediate change.

7) Watching the sun rise and set.

7) Making some heartening soup or broth. nb it is important to be deliberate about it so take your sweet time.

8) Mountains, they're so flipping Huge!! And beautiful, brings me peace.

9) Fire!! (Not in a pyromaniac way) it's mesmerizing and life sustaining.

9) Building a den, there really is something in having a small safe place to take your troubles.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Learning The Unforced Rhythms of Grace

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion?

Come to me.

Get away with me and you'll recover your life.
I'll show you how to take a real rest.
Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it.

Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.

I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.

Keep company with me and you'll learn to live

freely and lightly."

Matt 11:28-30 msg

Right now He is showing me Grace. In a new and beautiful way. Somehow I am consistently resistant to this wonderful truth and the outrageous freedom that comes with it!
It was brought to my attention this week that I wasn't exactly living in Gods grace, rather I was living in my own (massively flawed) way. Utterly determined to take responsibility for everything and do it really well or die trying.

Unsurprisingly this attitude turned out to be somewhat counterproductive, In refusing to have Grace for myself my Grace for those around me wore pretty thin.

So i'm trying something new. Basing my worth not on my actions, how selfless i've been or what I achieve, instead I'm basing it in the simple truth that I am the beloved and forgiven daughter of a God who wants to be in relationship with me and doesn't care for the agendas that I draw up and bring to him seeking approval.

because the truth is that he likes me - and you - A LOT, he laughs at the things you laugh at, he understands when you're afraid angry or just plain bored. When you cry he cries - he loves the people you love even when they don't love him, he doesn't disapprove of you - he thinks you are utterly top notch!! When you do something that you're passionate about and are totally in your element he sees that too and rejoices in it - he created you to live a truly full life.

And most importantly he longs to be involved in it all - to bring you into the unforced rhythms of his grace and immerse you in all the freedom that entails.