I have just finished
reading the autobiographical work by Jennifer wroth. A truly beautiful book
detailing the life of a London midwife in the 1950s, I have previously watched
and loved the BBC series but only managed to track the book down last week.
I found the thoughts on
faith and life, which Wroth shares in the book profoundly moving.
Jenny describes
herself initially as an ‘irreligious girl’ and is perplexed and sometimes
disturbed by the life of the nuns that she sees firsthand in the tight knit
community she becomes (initially rather unwillingly) a part of.
However during her
time at Nonnatus house she gradually finds herself respecting the tireless work
of the nuns in loving and caring for their patients. The way that they patiently
accept and love one another regardless of circumstance gradually awakens Jenny
to the possibility of a real God.
At the end of the book
jenny recollects her conversation with an elderly nun.
She asks her why she
swapped a life of privilege for one of servitude, wondering out loud whether it
was the sisters love of people, which prompted her to embrace this life.
The response came like this;
‘Of course not! She answered sharply, ‘how can
you love ignorant brutish people who you don’t even know?’ ‘Can anyone love
filth and squalor? Or lice and rats? Who can love aching weariness and carry on
in spite of it?’
One cannot love these things. One
can only love God and through his grace come to love his people.’ P318-319
The simple truth of this
made an impression on me and fills me with real hope.
Wroth is fantastic at
chronicling the humanity of the nuns she lived with.
Yes she writes of their
tireless work for others and their conviction of faith but she also writes of
their arguments, their petty meanness and their frustrations.
She paints a wonderful
picture of sometimes-good-sometimes-bad
always-complex people who have
made a decision to love and serve God despite all of the rest.
What a relief that
even nuns who make an active decision to lay their lives down for God are still
so wonderfully human, that they need Gods love and Grace as much as the rest of
The calling on their
lives is the same as the calling on mine, to love God and love others, in that