the world is open for business and she wants it all.
Strong; because it hasnt occurred to her to be anything else quite yet,
Fragile; this child is made of human and she hasn't learned how to mask it.
Fraustrated; shes thwarted and her back is arched, she shouts her fury loud twisting in her wrath.
Brave; eyes big, next thing in her sights, head first leaping into thin air.
Silly; a keen sense for the ridiculous already, tights on her head rushing around shouting and trailing blessed laughter in her wake.
Bright; Lit up with all the new information shes processing every day, scrutinizing every leaf and stone for hidden meaning.
Independant and so very needy, a perfect contradiction with my eyes and his mouth, his sense of humour, my stubbornness and so much that belongs only to her.
Clara has accelerated into toddlerhood since Sylvie arrived. Sometimes shes so big and beautiful and clever that I can't stand it.
During those moments I think I'll explode with the sheer force of pride for every new word, every independent step she makes into the world, every time she chooses to wrap her chubby arms round my neck when she could be doing something else.
and then there are the other toddler moments,
The dark ones.
The times when she goes stiff as a board and screams her lungs out in the library because I've tried to put her in the pushchair.
Or when she hits her baby sister then looks at me agog for my response.
Even the times she wakes from her nap and cries inconsolably for half an hour regardless of everything I do to try and make it better.
Those times I feel hot shame and fraustration at how little I can really control this person that we have made and nurtured .
She is making the moves towards independence, there's no mistaking it. Shes bold this daughter of mine, she asks for what she wants in life (okay sometimes she screams for it!) It's scary and wonderful watching her become who shes going to be, sometimes I feel utterly helpless in the face of a person so separate to me and yet still so dependant.
for the first time since she was born I've really questioned myself with how I'm responding to her behaviour, I'm aware that these are the moments that can mark a person emotionally and I want so much to parent her well.
I'm discovering that being a parent to a toddler really brings me to the end of myself. I could weep with fraustration and then circle all the way back to rapturous joy again, sometimes all in the space of ten minutes!
Though I believe that strong boundaries are very important I also have to recognise that she is beginning to make her own decisions, and these need a certain amount of respect. Shes testing the waters in every sense and she needs the space to do that, though she also needs to learn that actions have consequences.
So there you have it, these are my days at the moment, silliness and kisses, fun and tantrums; Clara Evangeline in all her wonderful, frustrating complexity.
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